by pmd-engine | Sep 29, 2022 | blog
The influenza is a viral infection that affects your respiratory system, including your nose, throat, and lungs. The flu is a common term for influenza, however it is not the same as stomach “flu” viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting. Seasonal...
by pmd-engine | Sep 5, 2022 | blog
How to Reduce My Cholesterol? Try to eat less fatty food: especially food that includes saturated fat if you want to lower your cholesterol. Unsaturated fat is a more beneficial type of fat that is nevertheless present in some meals. To determine the sort of fat an...
by pmd-engine | Sep 5, 2022 | blog
What vaccines do I need for traveling? Ensure that you have had all of your recommended vaccinations. While many diseases that can be prevented through routine immunization are not common in Canada, they are in other nations. Your healthcare practitioner can offer...
by pmd-engine | Aug 16, 2022 | blog
How do travel vaccines work? Vaccines vary from conventional prescription medications in two key respects. The first is that rather than treating disease, they are made to prevent it. They achieve this by training the immune system of the patient to recognize a...
by pmd-engine | Aug 16, 2022 | blog
Can pharmacists help with infections? They can provide over-the-counter medications and clinical advice as competent healthcare experts for a variety of minor diseases, including coughs, colds, sore throats, stomachaches, and aches and pains. All pharmacists receive a...