Who gets headaches?

Who gets headaches?

About 90 percent of men and 95 percent of women experience at least one headache a year. However, some people have headaches that occur often and can greatly affect their quality of life. If you suffer from headaches, it is important to be able to...

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Cholesterol is a soft waxy substance (or lipid) that is found in all your body cells and in the bloodstream. Your body needs cholesterol because it is used to build cell membranes, help produce vitamin D and produce certain hormones. The...

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Why discuss colds and flu together?

Why discuss colds and flu together?

Why discuss colds and flu together?The common cold and the flu are very similar. They are both viruses and they cannot be treated with antibiotics which only work against bacteria . Both attack the nose, nasal sinuses, throat and upper breathing...

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What is asthma? Asthma is a chronic lung condition that causes a person's airways to become inflamed and extra sensitive. During an attack, the airways narrow, obstructing the flow of air and making it difficult to breath . Airways narrow due to...

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What is an allergy? An allergy is an overreaction of your body's immune system to something that is harmless to most people. Normally, your immune system acts in defense against a foreign substance like a virus or bacteria. It will try to destroy...

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