How Does Fasting Affect Blood Work

Things To Know About Fasting


What is Fasting? Fasting simply means abstaining from eating or drinking for a set amount of time. The length of time a person should fast may depend on the certain blood test that is required by the doctor or health care provider. Except for water, you should avoid all liquids including coffee and tea throughout the fasting time. Water is suggested for many tests before the blood tests because whether it is a short or long hour fast refraining from ingesting fluids might produce slight dehydration in your body.


Fasting is necessary to guarantee that your test results are trustworthy since all of the components included in food and beverages we ingest may impact the levels of certain substances in the blood.



Why Is Fasting Important and How Does It Affect?

Fasting before a blood test may affect the accuracy of some blood measurements, including glucose and cholesterol levels.

In the event that food has been consumed prior to a blood test, your body will turn carbohydrates into glucose and release insulin to help transport the sugar to your cells. For conditions like diabetes or other disorders that affect glucose levels, this may raise glucose levels and make it more difficult to interpret the results.

Nutrients in food and drinks may enter the bloodstream and can influence the factors assessed from the tests and is possible to screw the end results. 

For example, if you eat or drink before a fasting blood glucose test, your blood sugar will most likely be greater than if you hadn’t consumed anything. Doctors get a baseline result when you fast so that tests may be compared to provide an accurate picture of your sugar levels throughout time.

The Common Blood Tests that Need Fasting


1.Blood Glucose Test

The fasting blood glucose test is used to check for diabetes or to  calculate the level of sugar, or glucose in your blood. Your body transforms carbohydrates into glucose when you eat them so that you can use them as energy. If your blood glucose levels indicate too much or too little glucose in your blood could lead to serious health conditions that you need consistent treatments.

A blood glucose test is frequently requested by doctors to help identify diabetes. A blood glucose test may be used to treat diabetes in those who have already been given the diagnosis. Typically you must fast for eight hours prior to your blood glucose test and fasting is necessary since it will result in more accurate findings that are simpler for your doctor to interpret the condition.











2.Blood cholesterol Tests

The levels of cholesterol and other lipids in your blood are measured by a full cholesterol test. A certain amount of cholesterol is necessary, however having too much might cause blood vessel buildup and increase your risk of heart disease, stroke and even atherosclerosis.If you are required to fast for a blood cholesterol test it is recommended that you should fast between nine and twelve hours without eating or drinking anything except water.



3.Liver Function Test

Liver function tests are used to check the condition or the health of your liver by evaluating the amounts of proteins, liver enzymes, and bilirubin in your blood.  It can also keep an eye on how a condition that is already existing is being treated or progressing. You’ll receive detailed instructions from your doctor on how to be ready for the test as the fasting period can vary according to your health conditions.



4.Basic Metabolic Panel

The basic metabolic panel is a collection of tests that can assist your doctor in evaluating important functions in your body. Changes in electrolyte levels, sugar metabolism, fluid balance, and kidney function can all be determined using these tests. Your doctor may occasionally advise against eating or drinking anything for eight hours prior to your test.



5.Lipoprotein Blood Test

The amount of lipoprotein  in your blood is measured by this test. You may be at an increased risk for heart disease or  stroke if you have a high level of lipoprotein. Before having your blood test, you typically need to fast for nine to twelve hours. In the event that there are any particular instructions to follow, your doctor  may advise you with further information.



Things to Remember When You Fast


  • Food and drinks, with the exception of water, should be avoided throughout the fasting period since they may impact the findings of the blood test.
  • You should make sure how long you must fast in accordance with the test requirements as well as what you may and cannot ingest throughout the fasting time. 
  • If you are currently taking drugs for any health condition or disease, you must be consulted by your doctor about whether you should take them during the fasting period.
  • Avoid undertaking any strenuous exercise the day before the blood test since it might alter the results.



At Paramedic Pharmacy, we provide trustworthy lab requisitions for your blood work while guaranteeing accurate and timely results.


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